Pastoral transitions are funny things. They’re inevitable—no pastor serves a congregation forever—and yet they nearly always catch most people off-guard—including the pastor!
Spring has sprung
One More Thing
Pastor's 2022 Annual Report
It’s been a weird few years, right? In the grand scheme of things, Joy’s building was only ever closed for a few months between March and June 2020, and yet everything about how we gather as a community now has been the result of dozens of little decisions made along the way, especially in those earliest, darkest days.
New Year's Delusions
The Source of Our Hope
But what is the source of our hope? It’s easy to get mixed up about that whenever we do church together, and it’s far too easy to think that the source of our hope is in our numbers. Or the attractiveness of our ministry. Or the beauty of our worship space. These are all good things, but they are not the source and ground of our hope. As one classic hymn of the church puts it, our “hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
New Variations on Old Themes
Ministry of Presence
We often marvel at how much gets dumped on certain people all at once and at how well they handle it. Faith helps, yes. Courage in the face of adversity, sure. But never underestimate the power of a listening ear. It might be you doing the listening—or it might be you who needs it, without realizing it, until you’re right in the middle of it.