Mark your calendars for Celebration Sunday on April 3 during worship, with brunch immediately following as the conclusion to our spring financial stewardship campaign.
The simplest we’re doing this now rather than waiting for fall is that it’s been over two years since our last stewardship campaign.
This also moves us away from the holidays and the business of a new school year. It moves us away from considering what’s “left over” for God’s work and towards an attitude of offering our “first fruits.”
But most importantly, this moves us away from a “meet the budget” mindset and toward a simple question: out of all the many blessings God has given to us, what do we intend to return to God’s mission through Joy?
Joy’s council met for a planning meeting last week, and as we considered God’s mission among us, we came back to some familiar words: liturgy, community, family.
This should sound a lot like the core values Joy identified many years ago and are posted just inside our front door. The mission and values of Joy have been remarkably stable.
Over the next month we’ll be asking everyone to consider how each of us can support that, proportionate to the means God has first given us.
Pastor Jon